WellCare 2017 Medicare Certification

Training Support for Wellcare 2017 Certification

Wellcare Medicare Insurance

Training Recap

Things to remember when taking WellCare’s annual training requirements:

How to Access Annual Certification Training (ACT):

  1. Log in to WellCare university at http://www.wellcareuniversity.com​
  2. Your WellCare University ID is a combination of the first letter of your first name, your last name and the last four digits of your Social Security number, Example: jdoe1234NOTE: remember to include any special characters in your name, such as the apostrophe in “O’Brian” or the hyphen in “Smith-Taylor,” as submitted in your contract information
  3. If you are logging in for the first time, use the default password, Master1 (case sensitive and you will be prompted to change your password. If the password is not changed, you will be locked out of the system and will have to contact Producer Services to have your account reset.

Transmitting AHIP completion to WellCare University

  1. Login to AHIP using the co-branded link: http://www.ahipmedicaretraining.com/clients/wellcare/1099
  2. Access your profile
  3. Once in your profile, add either your National Producer Number (NPN) or WellCare University (LMS) ID to provide recognition for a successful transfer to WellCare University.Note: Your LMS ID is the username you use to login to WellCare University, and is typically the first initial of your first name, your last name and the last four digits of your SSN.EX: JDoe0000 for John Doe ***-**-0000.
Wellcare AHIP

NOTE: If the steps above are not followed, your completed AHIP WILL NOT successfully transfer to WellCare!

Producers who have previously transmitted AHIP to WellCare:

After you have successfully completed the AHIP training, your National Producer Number (NPN) will be recognized and a “Completion Transmission” page will display to confirm completion of the course and automatic submission to WellCare University

Changes that have taken place for 2017 ACT

  1. ​The passing score has been set from 90% to 85%
  2. iCare Compliance training is no longer released as a separate module and will be a part of 2017 ACT
  3. The release of our “Mini” ACT as a condensed version of ACT for all 1099 Producers who completed 2016 annual training requirements